Do you know the feeling, when the modern world robs energy from you? Sure, internet, media and technologies have its positive/informative/fun sites, but often it creates a flood of useless information that can clutter up the brain and give you headaches. Whenever I feel this way, I know that spending time in nature, with animals or people I love, is the best recipe to declutter the brain and recharge my batteries. And that is exactly what I did – I packed up the necessary and spent a couple of days at the sea, with no internet or lap top. Today I came back and feel great.
One thing I especially enjoyed, was the time, when everybody was still asleep. I woke up one day at 6:00 am for no reason and when I looked out of the window, I saw that the sky was painted in the greatest color. It was so beautiful and spectacular, that I needed to get up and take pictures. Once awake, I decided to go jogging at the water. Fritzi came with me of course – he would not miss a chance to go out, no matter what time it might be! : ) The water was still, the sky almost clear, fresh air filled my lungs and Fritzi was running next to me, clearly enjoying it, just as much as I did. It was such a peaceful morning that it made me feel peaceful inside. Situations like this remind me, that I don’t need much to be happy. It’s more the little things, things that are easily taken for granted, that truely can create happiness.
What do you do to recharge your batteries? Do you ever feel like technology robs energy from you?
August 19, 2011 at 2:23 pmVielen lieben Dank für den schönen Artikel & die tollen Bilder! Ich weiß genau, wovon Du schreibst: Computer, Internet, Smartphone, Zeitschriften, Bücher – und mein Kopf ständig auf \”on\”. Zeit zum Abschalten ist wichtig, denn nur in der Ruhe kann wieder neue Kreativität entstehen – zumindest bei mir ist das so. Leider vergesse ich das oft und meine Yogamatte steht schon wieder ganz verstaubt in der Ecke. Wasser hat für mich absolut beruhigende Wirkung – kommt vielleicht daher, dass ich am Bodensee aufgewachsen bin. Wenn ich also gestresst bin & abschalten will, setze ich mich immer ans Wasser. Egal ob See oder Fluss. Aber so eine kleine Reise an die Ostsee ist auch mal wieder eine gute Idee – vielen Dank für die Inspiration!
August 19, 2011 at 2:49 pmDanke für deinen lieben Kommentar! Ja, du hast recht. Man sollte viel öfter Energie in der Natur tanken. Ich bin froh, dass ich durch meinen Hund viel raus komme – egal bei welchem Wetter, es tut immer gut. Aber so richtig Energie tanken kann man dann doch erst wenn man mal für eine längere Weile alles abstellt. Manchmal wird die Technik etc. ja fast zur \”Sucht\” und man denkt man verpasst etwas, wenn man mal nicht Facebook & Co checkt. So ein Kurztrip in die Natur hilft da schon Wunder : )
August 25, 2011 at 7:31 amThank you very much for those peaceful seconds you gave me with these few words above. Reminded me why I love to travel (basicly anywhere). Whenever I \”hit the road\” everyday problems seem to fade away. It\’s good to know that I can escape anytime and leave everything behind. Makes me feel safe. Good to know that I\’m not alone!:) Using computers all the time makes me feel that they are eating up all my energies. That\’s why I rather choose not to use them during my free time! A nice stroll fills me up!
Beautiful and valuable blog!:)
Congrats from Hungary!
August 26, 2011 at 9:45 amThat is exactly how I feel too Eva! Indeed you are not alone 😉 Sometimes all the technologies etc just become too much and getting out can be such a relief. I\’m glad that Fritzi makes me go out and walk through nature every day – it recharges the energy a little every time.
Thank you for your kind words, I\’m really glad that you like my blog! Many sunny greetings from Germany! 🙂