
Garden & Balcony Home Living

My Vegetable Garden Part 4

June 16, 2011

Good morning everybody! I wanted to give you another update on my vegetable garden since my plants are growing bigger and bigger. I planted them all outside and most of them are looking very healthy. Sad news on the cucumbers though…. I don’t know what I did wrong, but most of them died. Only two are looking as if they might have a little chance to survive. I planted them in a sunny spot, close to a grid for support, but the next day they didn’t look good at all. πŸ™ Let’s hope that these two will survive…

Luckily my zucchini and pumpkin plants are getting stronger and bigger.

One of the zucchini plants

Pumpkin plants

Also the strawberries and cherries are starting to get some red color.



I planted the tomatoe plants seperatly in little pots. They are still pretty small but growing as well.

Tomatoe plant

Two weeks ago I planted brussels sprouts directly into the vegetable garden and I was so happy to see that they are also starting to grow. They won’t be ready to eat until november though…

Brussels sprouts

Here are some other impressions from our garden, starting with Fritzi, who is always waiting for somebody to throw his ball.

Fritzi and his ball

Rose petals on the ground

The hydrangea is starting to bloom

Little pink flowers

I’m happy for every bee in the garden!

Have a wonderful day everybody!



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