Happy saturday everybody! I wanted to give you a little update on my vegetable garden 🙂
I still have my tomatoe- and cucumber plants inside the house since they need a lot of warmth to grow. But today I planted out my zucchini and pumpkin plants. The pumpkin plants seem to be a bit more robust though. When I planted the zucchini plants outside they looked like they wouldn’t make it, since their leafs were hanging down. But I watered them a lot and hope that they will recover from the move.
I was very suprised today when I came to plant the vegetable plants. Weeks ago when I planted all my seeds in my pots I had too many pumpkin seeds left, so I just put some of them outside in the ground allready. I really didn’t think that they would grow, since it was quite cold still, but today I saw that the actually did grow!! YAY! Look how nicely they grew (there are about 8 plants of those and I added another 10, from my pots, today – this will hopefully be a rich harvest in fall!! ;))
We also have some strawberries growing allready. Last year I bought four little strawberry plants which brought us exactly 3 sour strawberries. 😀 I was a bit dissapointed, BUT last year the strawberries grew new plants (without fruit) and those new plants and the old ones became much bigger this year. Now it looks like we will have some more strawberries this summer! You can allready see them start to grow…
Here are some more impressions of the garden that I shot today. Starting with a cute garden helper, the bumblebee:
Some of our herbs:
I love this flower called Allium:
This was our cherry tree 3 weeks ago:
And this is from today…. the cherries are starting to form:
This is our beautiful acorn tree. I love all the different colors of it:
It reminds me of elephant skin. Can you see the ants in the next pic?
And this is our newest neighbour. A bird family moved into our birdshouse in the backyard. I can allready hear the babys tweeting. The parents fly in and out all day to feed them.
I really wonder if it’s last years family or their offspring?? These are pictures from last year. The same birdhouse is not occupied this year though…
So, these were my garden updates for today. I think soon we will see my veggies become flowers. Exciting! I’ll keep you posted. Have a great weekend everybody!
Fresh Cucumber » My Vegetable Garden Part 3 | Greenderella
May 21, 2011 at 10:09 pm[…] the rest here: My Vegetable Garden Part 3 | Greenderella AKPC_IDS += "13421,";Popularity: unranked […]
May 22, 2011 at 1:59 pmHallo liebe Franzi,
muss doch auch mal wieder etwas schreiben hier. Das ist wieder ein soooo großartiger Bericht und soooooo wunderschöne Bilder dabei!! Ich liebe Deine Begeisterung für die Natur und die Tiere … das ist sooo selten geworden, leider 🙁 Es ist wunderbar zu lesen mit wie viel Liebe Du Deine Pflänzchen und alles behandelst. Ich gratuliere Dir auch zu den Erdbeeren!!!! 🙂 Glaube wir haben zur Zeit nur Walderdbeeren, die anderen waren wohl inzwischen zu alt geworden.
Ich liebe vor allem auch die Fotos mit der Biene und die letzten 3 mit dem Vogel sind auch sooo einmalig, wie er da angeflogen kommt und stolz auf dem Haus sitzt!!! SÜÜÜSSSS 🙂 Und die Kirschblüten (Ich habe damals auch davon Fotos gemacht und die dann unter anderem in \”moderne Kunst verwandelt *smile* Kann sie Dir mal schicken, wenn Du magst. ) Du machst so großartige Fotos, es macht so viel Spaß Deinen Blog zu lesen.
Ich wünsche Dir noch einen wunderbaren Sonntag und alles Liebe und Gute.
May 23, 2011 at 1:26 pmAwww, du bist ja lieb! Vielen Dank für deine netten Worte! : ))Ich freue mich sehr, dass dir der Blog so gut gefällt. Ja stimmt, ich finde die Biene und die Vögel auch total süß!! Ich werde die Tage mal versuchen noch mehr Bilder von den neuen Hausbewohnern zu machen 😉
Ganz liebe Grüße und hab einen guten Start in die Woche!
May 23, 2011 at 11:57 amThese photos are beautiful!
May 23, 2011 at 12:43 pmThank you Ashley!! 🙂