Fritzi has a thing for food, we all know that allready. I have posted pictures of him, trying to steal birds food and pictures of him crying for lasagne. Now, this story is very similar, but since he is always so cute, I wanted to share this one too.
After breakfast, we put some left-over bread out for the birds. After some time, we let Fritzi out and I noticed how he was walking around with his nose up in the air. He knew quickly that there was something eatable on the wall. I watched him walk around and jump up against the wall, desperatly trying to reach the food. After a while I couldn’t help but give him a little piece of bread. Once again, happy end for Fritzi!

There is something in the air…

Locating the food….

Maybe it will fall down if I wait long enough?

Maybe I should take a look?
I know there is something!

Finally someone heared my call!

Aaaaah, so good!
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