While I can be pretty chaotic and sloppy at times, I actually love the idea of being organized. So when life gets really busy, my planner and to-do lists become really good friends of mine. And for some reason I’m really old-school in this case – the smartphone doesn’t do it for me, I need real paper!
There is just something satisfying about skipping through the pages, organizing the coming weeks and scribbling down my plans with a pen. And once I get into it I can go pretty wild, using markers, rubber stamps and the occasional sticker. Yep, that was me when I was 6 years old and I guess some things just never change. 😉 This way, being organized can be pretty fun!
And why am I telling you all this? Only so you can get a better understanding for why I spent quite a lot of time, searching for the perfect planner. You see, over the years I developed some preferences when it comes to planning and not many planners fulfill all of my wishes.
So this is what I was looking for:
- It should be made of recycled paper and plastic-free
- I want to have an overview on the entire week (not the common one day per page)
- Plus an overlook of each month
- The day should be structured in hours
- It should have space for creating to-do lists every day
- It should look pretty preferably
While I’m writing this down I wonder what you might be thinking right now. You probably never thought so much in detail about a darn planner, Haha! But I tell you, those little things can make a big difference!
After spending hours searching for the perfect planner, I finally found it on Etsy. It’s from a Shop called Pocket Squares and it ticks all my boxes and more! YAY! What I also love about it, is that you can order it with different cover designs. You can choose different stamp prints or leave it natural, which is what I chose so that I could personalize it with my own stamp.
Another nice addition is the little accomplish list on the corner of each week. This way you can keep weekly goals in focus and tick the box (and give yourself a nice pat on the shoulder) once you accomplished it. Check-a-dee-check-check!
The planner comes in two sizes. Last year I used the big one which I loved. This year I’m trying the smaller version, which is probably a bit more practical for the road.
What about you? Was this post totally useless to you, since you don’t like using planners anyway or did your heart make a little jump when you heard the word organize? 😀

Cathy Burr
December 14, 2016 at 4:58 pmI buy one of these planners every year, and have been ever since she started making them. I go to university, so I love the student calendar.
December 22, 2016 at 10:49 amThat\’s great! I can imagine that they work amazing as a student calendar as well. I wish I knew about them when I was still going to university! But better later than never 😉
Steffen Gerden
December 17, 2016 at 12:37 pmHello my dear Franziska,
great article! I love the design of those notebooks. They are very subtile, yet really beautiful!
I can certainly see that you enjoy making those. So keep on doing this great work!
Best Greetins and a Merry X-Mas,
Steffen G.
December 22, 2016 at 10:48 amThanks a lot for your kind comment Steffen! Wishing you a great Christmas as well! 🙂
December 22, 2016 at 10:35 amOh sehr cooler Tipp liebe Franzi! 🙂 Also ich persönlich mag Kalender, da ich auch oft einfach Dinge handschriftlich festhalten muss, besonders to-do Listen. Immer nur im Handy speichern funktioniert bei mir nicht so gut (obwohl der Reminder da schon praktisch ist muss ich zugeben). Was ich aber auch sehr gern mag, ist, am Ende des Monats einfach nochmal durchblättern und Revue passieren lassen, was man so gemacht hat – es ist nämlich überraschend, wie vergesslich ich manchmal bin! 😀
December 22, 2016 at 10:46 amOhjaaa, da sagst du was. Ich bin da auch gerne mal vergesslich. ^^ Für mich ist der Kalender dann auch so eine Art Tagebuch-Ersatz. Ist manchmal lustig nach Jahren mal wieder drin zu blättern und zu gucken was man so getrieben hat. Und das mit den Reminder auf dem Handy ist wirklich praktisch – die Funktion nutze ich auch viel! Hab eine schöne Weihnachtszeit und danke fürs Vorbeischauen! :-*
December 16, 2017 at 9:56 amIch erwische mich selbst immer mit tausend Zetteln und habe schon zig Versuche hinter mir, mich organisiert zu organisieren – das fiel mir eben mal wieder auf. Und da dachte ich an deinen Post, der nun schon eine Weile zurück lag und dachte mir, ich muss für nächstes Jahr einfach mal auch diesen Kalender ausprobieren. Und siehe da, der Impuls kam genau zu rechten Zeit, denn ich habe eben den letzten bestellt! Ich bin sehr darauf gespannt, bin mir aber ziemlich sicher, dass er für mich auch genau das Richtige ist. Für mich funktionieren To-do-Listen nämlich auch überhaupt nicht auf dem Handy, ich brauche dafür Stift und Papier! Vielen Dank für die Inspiration!
December 16, 2017 at 8:56 pmAch wie cool! Das freut mich voll. 🙂 Ich hab meinen neuen Kalender auch schon letzte Woche in der Post gehabt. Der ist echt super – ich hoffe dir gefällt er auch! 🙂